News 2017

In Denmark in Taastrup from 5 to 8 October was the 15th Congress of the European Association for ostomy patients under the slogan «CARING - SHARING - SUPPORTING».
The Congress began with a welcoming speech Granslev Henning, chairman of the Danish Association of ostomy patients...

Ostomy Tours New Zealand
This is to introduce a new business aimed at assisting Ostomates, partners, spouses, families etc from anywhere in the world who would like to tour a very scenic area of New Zealand and spend a relaxing 9 day tour with other Ostomates. We have our first...

In Berlin, from June 18 to 21, 2017, the 13th Conference of the European Council of Enterostomal Therapists (European Council of Enterostomal Therapists ECET) was held.

Message from President of European Ostomy Association EOA Ria Smeijers
Dear EOA members, dear friends.