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 On our FORUM of ostomates and people with other bladder/bowel dysfunctions you can also actively associate with the people like you, share your experience, knowledge and information.

The arrangements of the portal ASTOM.RU are based  on 30- years' practical experience of theROOISB "ASTOM" in rehabilitation of ostomy patients and patients with other bladder/bowel dysfunctions. Our internet information portal ASTOM.RU can be of the utmost interest to medical and social workers, public organisations and to everybody who works in the field of rehabilitation of patients with intestinal and ureteral stoma and other bladder/bowel dysfunction.

On our website ASTOM.RU you will find virtual offices of highly skilled medical specialists with great experience in this field, to whom you can directly address your medical questions. Effective rehabilitation of ostomy patients is impossible without modern stoma care facilities. On our website ASTOM.RU you can get the information about rehabilitation equipment for ostomists and about the best manufacturing companies. You will get to know all the  incontinence hygiene products which will help to make your life more comfortable in all aspects. 

About us

  The Regional Public Organisation of Invalid Ostomy Patients "ASTOM". We've been there for you for 30 years.

   Website ASTOM.RU is the first specialised information portal in Russia created in 1998 and dedicated to people with intestinal and ureteral stoma and other bladder/bowel dysfunction.  

   Our information portal ASTOM.RU is primarily designed for all the patients, who underwent  bowel or ureter surgery resulted in construction of a stoma of the intestine or urinary tract on the stomach, and for those, who are going to withstand such a surgery, as well as for their relatives. Maybe you are one of millions of people who faced with the problems of incontinence, bladder disorders,  or maybe you nurse your relative or provide professional treatment to an incontinence patient, - then you too will find our portal very interesting.
   Our information portal ASTOM.RU highlights numerous questions and problems that ostomy patients in post-operative adaptation  period  and people without a stoma but who suffer different bladder/bowel dysfunctions might have. You will find the answers to many of your questions: how to live with a stoma, what is an intestinal or ureteral stoma, how to care your stoma, how to diet if you have a stoma, and how in general to return to normal and active life in spite of a stoma. Regardless of the situation you are in and experience you have, on ASTOM.RU you will find valuable information, moral support and useful pieces of advice.
   On our FORUM of ostomates and people with other bladder/bowel dysfunctions you can also actively associate with the people like you, share your experience, knowledge and information.
   On our website ASTOM.RU you will find virtual offices of highly skilled medical specialists with great experience in this field, to whom you can directly address your medical questions. Effective rehabilitation of ostomy patients is impossible without modern stoma care facilities. On our website ASTOM.RU you can get the information about rehabilitation equipment for ostomists and about the best manufacturing companies. You will get to know all the  incontinence hygiene products which will help to make your life more comfortable in all aspects. 
   The arrangements of the portal ASTOM.RU are based  on twenty years' practical experience of the ROOISB "ASTOM" in rehabilitation of ostomy patients and patients with other bladder/bowel dysfunctions. Our internet information portal ASTOM.RU can be of the utmost interest to medical and social workers, public organisations and to everybody who works in the field of rehabilitation of patients with intestinal and ureteral stoma and other bladder/bowel dysfunction.

Вопросы Инкокабинет

Вопрос от: Надежда
Добрый день ! у меня уретерокутанеостома, с момента операции прошло 3 месяца, до скольки кг можно поднимать по жизни с катетерами ?
Вопрос от: Ольга
Добрый день, Роман Вячеславович! Помогите, пожалуйста назначить должное лечение моей маме. У моей мамы выведена илеостома как 2 месяца. Вывели ее после неправильно проведенной операции лапароскопии, а затем пришлось таким

Вопросы Стомакабинет

Вопрос от: Сергей
Здравствуйте. Вячеслав Геннадьевич, проконсультируйте пожалуйста, по положению предоставления расходников для колостомы онкологическому пациенту, не продлившему инвалидность.
Вопрос от: Сергей
Здравствуйте. Вячеслав Геннадьевич, проконсультируйте пожалуйста, по положению предоставления расходников для колостомы онкологическому пациенту, не продлившему инвалидность.
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