15 th European Congress of Associations of ostomy patients took place in Denmark in Taastrup from 5 to 8 October

In Denmark in Taastrup from 5 to 8 October was the 15th Congress of the European Association for ostomy patients under the slogan «CARING - SHARING - SUPPORTING».
The Congress began with a welcoming speech Granslev Henning, chairman of the Danish Association of ostomy patients «COPA», which is one of the oldest in the world (about 60 years since the foundation). Then the official opening ceremony speech Ria Smeijers, president of the European Association of ostomy patients (EOA).
After the official opening of the Congress EOA, and in the following days, members of Congress were able to visit a number of interesting lectures of medical specialists in the problems of life with a stoma, quality care for the stoma.
During the Congress, an exhibition of the world's leading companies, manufacturers of medical devices for the intestinal and urinary ostomy care.
Separately held a meeting of young ostomy patients in the framework of the so-called 20/40 Focus Group, since it is a very important and necessary for young people, their mutual support, exchange of experiences and the friendship of the same age.
The Congress discussed the issues of cooperation between the associations and the medical research community.The significant event for ostomy patients in Europe attended by the president of the ECET Gabriele Krobot. Separate day was devoted to the meeting of members of the EOA, which addressed issues of adjusting the Charter of EOA, the election of a new president and members of the EOA Committee.
For members of Congress hosted by the organized departure for a tour of the city of Copenhagen on the bus and through the city.