Ostomy Tours New Zealand

Ostomy Tours New Zealand
This is to introduce a new business aimed at assisting Ostomates, partners, spouses, families etc from anywhere in the world who would like to tour a very scenic area of New Zealand and spend a relaxing 9 day tour with other Ostomates. We have our first standard tour starting on the 18th of March 2018 from Auckland travelling up to the Bay of Islands and then as far south as the world famous Waitomo Glow Worm Caves with lots of stops in between. Ostomates can travel secure in the knowledge that they are not alone and that others with the same problem will be there with them. New Zealand can offer some of the most stunning scenery in the world. An adventure tour will be put up as soon as we have got one sorted as well in order to offer an even greater range of options. Our web site is www.ostomytoursnz.weebly.com and this will be updated often with new ideas. As an Ostomate for some 22 years I know just how concerning it can be to travel when you have an Ostomy and so this was why I decided to put this operation in place as it showcases some of the most stunning areas of New Zealand. It would be really appreciated if you could include this information and the link to our web site in your magazine and I look forward to meeting many of your members over the coming years.
Regards, Richard B. McNair
CEO Ostomy Tours NZ