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Magazine "Аsтом"

    The magazine: "АSТОМ. The guide on an active life"  



  Dear Friends!
                 We have tried to make ours of magazine a gift for you.
                 Release of the given edition, in our opinion, is actual in view of the existing information barrier which is fencing off a society from people with restriction of ability to live, especially ostomate people it is much more difficult to them to present the sights and positions, to inform to a society the needs and interests, especially through mass media.

                  We hope that this magazine becomes for you the good adviser and the guide on active life, will expand knowledge of a new condition of the people who have appeared in a difficult reality situation, will help to find many the numerous questions necessary and useful to the decision arising at each such person, its relatives, experts in the field of mediko-social rehabilitation and all people assisting.

                   We also hope that the magazine will be useful to representatives of bodies executive and legislature, representatives of bodies of public health services and social protection, representatives of Federal Fund of social insurance and mediko-social examinations.

                   We are assured that only at association of efforts of the state both public structures and their action within the limits of mutual aid, we will come to a determination essential problems of people with ability to live restriction. 
