13th Conference of the European Council of Enterostomal Therapists 2017 in Berlin

In Berlin, from June 18 to 21, 2017, the 13th Conference of the European Council of Enterostomal Therapists (European Council of Enterostomal Therapists ECET) was held.
This large international event was attended by about 1200 people from around the world, of which 70% of nurses, enterostomal therapists, 20% of doctors and 10% of representatives of manufacturers of various devices, medical products, care for stoma, incontinence, care products for wounds, bedsores and irritated skin.
The conference program was very rich. The main topics of the conference program were: care for the stoma, care for incontinence, care for wounds. The questions related to various complications of the stoma were considered in detail: hernia and its prevention, dermal fistula, convexity and confluence of the stoma, other types of "perverse" stoma. A seminar of the pediatric stoma was held separately. Care programs at home were considered. Much attention was paid to the development and enhancement of the role of the nurse in caring for ostomy patients, the specialization of her work to a new quality and status of "stomatherapy", and compulsory and targeted training in stomatherapy standards.
The ECET conference included high-level scientific presentations, networking events, and an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and experience with international colleagues.
Throughout the whole period of the conference, a very interesting exhibition was held of more than 30 manufacturers of all kinds of care for stoma, means of care for incontinence, care for wounds, bedsores.
The conference was attended by representatives from Russia - nurses and doctors from various specialized medical institutions.
The European Council of Enterostomal Therapists (ECET) is a professional nursing society that supports specialized nurses across Europe with educational standards, best practice recommendations and research projects. Further information can be found on the company's website: http://www.ecet-stomacare.eu/.