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Structure of Astom


Structure of Astom
The Structure of the Moscow Regional Public Organization of Ostomy Patients ASTOM
The General Meeting of ASTOM members
The Auditing Commission
The President
The Managing Committee of ASTOM
The Social Rehabilitation Services
The Formed Companies
The Information Service
ASTOM members database maintenance;
preparation and provision of the information and reference materials concerning medical and social rehabilitation of ostomy patients;
provision of ostomy patients with judicial reference materials;
publication of information brochures and leaflets;
cooperation with mass media: preparation of the articles for newspapers and magazines, interviews for radio and TV, participation in the TV programs;
cooperation with the state authorities, health care and social welfare institutions;
cooperation with the public organizations of invalids of Moscow and other regions of Russia;
cooperation with individual ostomy patients and with public organizations of ostomy patients in other regions of Russia;
organization of experts' lectures for ostomy patients "Life with stoma";
arranging of conferences;
cooperation with the international ostomy organizations.
The Psychological Assistance Service
psychological preparation of ostomy patients for the operation;
providing psychological assistance to the patients after the operation;
creation of the database about the patients looking for a husband or wife;
arranging the friendly meetings of ostomy patients for mutual assistance and exchange of experience;
talks to the relatives of ostomy patients regarding the changes happened to their life after the operation;
cooperation with the experts in psychological rehabilitation of invalids.
The Labour Rehabilitation Service
cooperation with the enterprises hiring invalids;
collecting the database about employers;
providing of ostomy patients with the information about Russian labour and employment legislation;
The Social Assistance Service
humanitarian supply of medicines and other medical products to our patients;
humanitarian supply of consumer goods to the patients;
providing the ostomy patients with free tickets to theaters, concerts, exhibitions etc;
financial support of the ostomy patients happened to be in poor financial conditions.
The magazine: "АSТОМ. The guide on an active life"   http://www.astom.ru/ru/zhurnal-%E2%80%9Castom%E2%80%9D
 The Internet - shop for ostomats people and people with other kinds of an incontience. http://www.astommed.ru/
On our portal http://www.astom.ru/ virtual offices of STOMA-ROOM http://www.astom.ru/ru/doctors and INKO-ROOM http://www.astom.ru/ru/idoctors of highly skilled medical experts with a wide experience of work in the field to which you can address directly on medical questions ASTOM.RU are opened.