A visit of President of Ostomy Patients Association "ASTOM" to the State Scientific Centre of Coloproctology of Ministry of Health (Moscow,RF)

On July 22nd, 2015 President of The Regional Public Organization of Invalid Ostomy Patients "ASTOM" Vyacheslav Sukhanov stayed on a friendly visit at the A.N.Ryzhikh State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, the department of ostomates rehabilitation.
The President congratulated heartily Head of the department of ostomates rehabilitation Irina Kalashnikova on the jubilee of the Centre and presented the department with an individual hygienic washbowl for ostomy sanitization, manufactured by "BEKA-HOSPITEC", Germany.
Vyacheslav Sukhanov gave Irina a bucket of flowers with the symbolic name of eustoma (another name is an ‘Irish rose’) and said that for the patients the jubilee of the Russian leading Centre of coloproctology was not just a one day celebration but a remarkable event of the year together with two other important anniversaries. Thus, the year has been marked with three significant landmarks:
-50th anniversary of the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology,
-20th anniversary of cooperation between the Centre and the “ASTOM”,
-10TH anniversary of signing of the “Protocol of cooperation between the Association of Coloproctologists of the Russian Federation and the Russian Regional Ostomy Associations Coordination Committee on creating and developing a help service for ostomy patients.”