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Members of the Association of Ostomy Patients "ASTOM" visited the domestic production complex of stoma care products "GemaTech"

Members of the Association of Ostomy Patients "ASTOM" headed by the President of the Association Sukhanov V.G. and vice-president of the association Nazarova D.A. visited the domestic production complex of stoma care products "GemaTech".
A new domestic manufacturer of modern stoma care products, GemaTech, is located in Moscow, in the Technopolis Moscow Special Economic Zone in Tekstilshchiki. GemaTech is a strategically important manufacturer of life-saving medical products for ostomy care for people with ostomies, especially in the context of tough sanctions and well-known international events that negatively affect a socially vulnerable industry - the rehabilitation industry.
Thanks to the support and social responsibility of the Government of the City of Moscow, the Department of Health of the City of Moscow, and the great attention paid to the problems of rehabilitation and integration into the society of ostomy people, the production of unique high-quality stoma care products, strategically important in the social sphere, has appeared.
These medical devices have been developed by people who have dedicated their lives to the development of the industry. All products are registered in Russia. Products manufactured by GemaTech are the quintessence of the best features that are extremely important for ostomy patients. But there are also unique elements of products that have no analogues, such as the filtration system for colostomy bags.
You can talk about what you saw endlessly! The meeting of the members of the ASTOM Association and the GemaTech production team was excellent. There was a very cordial and warm welcome from both the management and responsible employees in all areas of production - from the beginning of the assembly of products on a modern robotic line to the release of products in finished packaging.
In close dialogue with production workers, starting from the director, with technologists and specialists, with those responsible for laboratory testing and quality control of products, at all stages of the production cycle, members of the association of ostomy patients "ASTOM" could clearly see the high level set for production what are the highest requirements for the quality of manufactured products. The discussions were heated, members of the ASTOM Association asked many questions and all received convincing answers.
Among the representatives of the ASTOM Association there were patients with extensive experience in the use of modern stoma care products from the world's leading manufacturers and a long experience after the stoma surgery. Moreover, some of them have already begun to receive Duoskin products manufactured by GemaTech and already have certain practical results. Everyone unequivocally expressed that GemaTech is a promising domestic manufacturer of innovative medical products for ostomy patients.
During the tour of the production, the participants were also shown a unique laboratory for quality control of products at each technological stage.
In the current period, "GemaTech" on its production line has so far begun to produce one-component colostomy bags - products that are in the greatest demand. But in the very near future, it is planned to release two-component colostomy bags, as well as uropriyemniks. Considering that the production has only recently begun its work, the volume of products manufactured so far covers the needs of stoma patients in Moscow. But, this is just the beginning. And still ahead. And ahead - the whole of Russia. And it will definitely be. We believe that ostomy patients in the Russian regions will finally be able to receive high-quality products from a real domestic manufacturer, and not pseudo-manufacturers with low-quality products masquerading as the current market situation.
The ASTOM Association warmly wishes the progressive and active development of the domestic manufacturer of stoma care products GemaTech, new innovative ideas and developments in vital medical devices.
The meeting was also attended by representatives of the management of the TOEZ "Technopolis "Moscow"". An exchange of greetings took place. Gennady Degtev, General Director of the SEZ Technopolis Moscow, welcomed the ASTOM Association.