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EOA Congress 2022 will be carried out online on 8th and 9th April 2022

EOA Congress 2022 will be carried out online on 8th and 9th April 2022. The official registration for the EOA conference is open from 2nd to 6th April. Registration form and other information can be found on the Conference website via https://eoacongress2022.it or the previous one: https://www.eoacongress.eu. When you have registered you will receive an automatical answer with a technical guideline and a personal password to join the online conference on 8th and 9th April.

There is no registration fee – thanks FAIS and its efforts.

Full information for speakers and participants was sent to EOA members (and candidate members via email). If you have not received it, please contact us at: webmaster@ostomyeurope.org.

The former information (outdated):

Due to the COVID-19 situation the EOA Congress was again postponed to 2022. The new date will be announced soon. The place remains the same: Garda. More information will be available on the Congress website: https://www.eoacongress2021.info/.


Welcome to the 16th EOA Congress 2022, an event dedicated to all people living with an ostomy.  As theme for the congress we have chosen: “From experience to solutions“.

The EOA-EC and FAIS have together prepared an ispiring agenda for the congress.  We are sure you will find it very interesting. This edition is totally online, so everyone can follow the working sessions and learn about new areas of knowledge.

Whether you come from Europe, the Middle East or Africa, your presence will be greatly appreciated.  Of course, guests from other parts of the world are also welcome.

Enjoy the congress!



The European Ostomy Association (EOA) is a non-profit and a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) for associations for ostomates all over Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. A total of 46 organizations belong to EOA. EOA is one of three regions organized in the International Ostomy Association (IOA).

Organized by

Стомированные пациенты, АСТОМ, колостома, АСТОММЕД, ассоциация стомированных АСТОМ,

Стомированные пациенты, общество стомированных АСТОМ, колостома, калоприемники, Колопласт,