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Distinguished guests visited the production of stoma care products in Moscow

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko and Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, while visiting the Printers site, the special economic zone (SEZ) Technopolis Moscow, visited the domestic manufacturer of stoma care products Gematekh.

Together with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova and Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko, the Mayor of Moscow toured the production of medicines and medical devices located at the Moscow Technopole, and also held a meeting with the heads of large pharmaceutical companies.

While visiting the site in Pechatniki, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, together with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova and Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko, inspected the production of medical devices of the Gematekh company.

Gematech LLC is a subsidiary of the Gemamed company, which is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of medical products for stoma patients. Since 2019, Gematekh has been a technopolis resident. The production area is 2.1 thousand square meters, the number of employees is 35 people.

Under the offset contract, the company supplies 44 types of products. The total volume of deliveries is 8.6 billion rubles over eight years.

As of March 31, 2022, 513 thousand products worth 181.1 million rubles were delivered under the contract to provide beneficiaries. In April 2022, it is planned to ship another 109 thousand products in the amount of 54.8 million rubles.

“For our part, within the framework of the commission of the State Council, which Sergey Semenovich heads, together with the regions we are working out both problem areas and those import substitution segments for which enterprises located in the regions of our country are already ready today. That's all: the substances themselves and what medicines are packaged in, and what medical products are made from. This is a whole arsenal,” added Tatyana Golikova. SEZ Technopolis Moscow.

Moscow is the largest manufacturer of medicines and medical devices in Russia. The city has 84 enterprises of the industry, which employ more than 14 thousand people. The pharmaceutical industry is on the rise. At the end of 2021, the revenue of pharmaceutical companies in Moscow reached 56.2 billion rubles, an increase of 41.1 percent over the year.

The growth in investments, production and export volumes was the result of systemic support for the industry from the Moscow Government.

The capital is a leader in concluding offset contracts - agreements on the localization of production in exchange for guaranteed supplies of products for state needs.

11 enterprises of the industry are residents of the Technopolis Moscow SEZ and enjoy the relevant federal and regional tax and customs benefits.

Work on solving the problem of temporary lack of certain drugs on the market due to logistical difficulties is extremely important, said Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

“We all together expect that our people will not experience any need and interruptions in medicines. We believe that what happened was temporary difficulties that have now been practically overcome,” she said.

Specialists from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Health of Russia and the regions determine the groups of medicines and medical devices that can be produced fairly quickly in Russia. For example, in the short term, pharmaceutical companies in the capital can ensure the production of technical means of rehabilitation.

Tatyana Golikova added that developments are also underway on various drugs, including those for the treatment of oncological and cardiovascular diseases. “Our manufacturers were ready to do this in the medium term, but now we are talking about import substitution within 2023–2024,” she said.