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Celebrating World Ostomy Day! ConvaTec Virtual Patient Summit October 1-st 2021

Dear friends,

A world event celebrating WOD sponsored by Convatec.  Discussion and talks on the life of ostomates worldwide.  The EOA president, Jon Thorkelsson, is participating in Session 1A with Faizel Jacobs the president of the South African Ostomy Organization and more.  Please have a look and place your questions.

On behalf of EOA,
Jon Thorkelsson


October 1st, 2021

Session 1A – 10 am BST – https://cvent.me/yqaywr

Session 1B – 1 pm BST – https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JbslldecSAiGgFI_qAPhdA

Session 2A – 6 pm BST – https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i7MWMk7RQ7mmtPpWGsrDbQ

Session 2B – 8 pm BST – https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Hi7CnbBVSIuUW68bAQBjXw