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The first results after two years of research.
Dozens of letters were sent in search of support for Ostomy patients from Moldova, which once received this diagnosis remain to be isolated from the whole society.
The most receptive association, which wanted to encourage people from RM is the Organization Friends of Ostomates Worldwide (FOW-USA).
Friends of Ostomates Worldwide-USA is a non-profit organization that collects donated ostomy supplies from individuals and organizations in the United States and sends them to those in need worldwide. Since 1986- till nowadays, FOW-USA has sent humanitarian aid worldwide reaching the amount of over USD 16 mln.
Ostomy patients from 72 countries have received support from this association. Among these countries we can find and our country -Republic of Moldova, which recently received the first donation of other 130 kg of stoma bags and accessories.
Humanitarian aid of FOW-USA, offers a chance for the Ostomy patients from RM to have a normal life and represents a ray of light in the everyday life of patients from Moldova, which has become very bleak. The Public Association of Ostomy Patients from Moldova is grateful for this support and still remains open to a fruitful collaboration in future. Also we would like to mention that the Members of the Association began the distribution of the vital accessories for stoma and in a few days we will publish a photo report of the performed work .
We remind that over 1300 registered patients are sitting in the dark and do not have hope in future.
On behalf of all the Ostomy patients from RM, the Association presents you profound respect and wishes you health, successes and greate achievements in future !!!